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Build a Service™

Select a service below to begin stepping through and assembling your music!

Quick Tips

For Successful Service Building
For the best experience, use a web browser on a computer or large tablet when building your service. Smaller mobile devices like phones are not yet compatible.
Just start typing to find the music you want within the step you’re on and it will automatically search for you, no need to hit Return or press a “Search” button.
You won’t have to check the filter you want on every step. The filters will stay selected throughout. If you reach a step that says nothing found, just click Clear Filter
If music is not needed for a part of the service, you can skip over it by clicking Next. You can always come back to add it in later if you would like.
To change to music for a part of the service you’ve already selected, in the right-hand sidebar, click the little red Remove link under that part of the service.
If you are done selecting your music before reaching the end, click the Preview button to see everything you’ve selected. If it looks good, just Add to Cart!

Available Services