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Stichera & Doxasticon at “Lord, I Call” (Nativity of the Lord) – Tone 2, Kievan Chant, Znamenny Chant, Sheehan, Hieromonk Herman, Unison, 2-Part, 3-Part, S, A, T, B, SA, TB, SSA, TTB


Kievan chant stichera at “Lord, I Call” for Vespers on the Eve of Nativity arranged to be sung in two parts (a third part may be added), followed by the Doxasticon in unison Znamenny chant. Minimum 2 copies.

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Note: If you are purchasing A La Carte, we ask that you please purchase as many copies as you have voices in your choir, just as you would purchase physical copies at a music store for each of your voices.